

At Geovanny's place just outside La Selva on the Atlantic lowland slope, we came across this mating pair of Red-eyed Leaf Frogs (Agalychnis callidryas) at around 7 or 8pm. I'd been looking for glass frogs or maybe a Splendid Leaf Frog-- I've seen a lot of red eyes over the years. On paper, they are not all that remarkable; phrases like "least concern," "widespread," and "abundant," fill the pages of field guides and natural history texts that describe them. But the discovery of this mating pair reminded me that common is not the same as unremarkable. Females of this species can lay up to five clutches of eggs in a single night (resulting in as many as 250 individuals), and intense competition between males has led to attempted disruption of amplexus and dual-fertilization; two eggs side by side could even have different paternity. The most fascinating aspect of the Red-eyed Leaf Frog's existence, however, is its survival instinct. Even while still inside the egg, tadpoles of this species are able to sense prospective threats and predators, and can respond accordingly, often observed to hatch and evacuate the clutch when environmental cues imply that danger is near. With this in mind, it is no surprise that A. callidryas is so common in disturbed habitats heavy with human impact. They are survivors.