The Brilliant Forest Frog was once common to Monteverde, but its vulnerability to habitat alteration and deforestation — likely in combination with the same chytrid fungus that killed the Golden Toad — led to the decimation of local populations. However, recent efforts in Monteverde to reforest disturbed areas, to protect remaining primary forest, and to mitigate human impact on fragile ecosystems have enabled some species like the Brilliant Forest Frog to begin to move back into these historic habitats. Even more fascinating is the evidence that allows scientists to hypothesize that this particular species “is capable of surviving significant levels of chytrid infection” (Leenders, 2017), demonstrating nature’s unmatched ability to adapt and evolve for survival. It is these ideas that give me hope; while imperiled species adapt to this changing world, humans make efforts to undo the damage we have caused to fragile ecosystems. It is a partnership, and we depend on one another to be successful.